
Do you have problems with breastfeeding?

It is possible you had an idea of what a perfect breastfeeding was, and now all your ideas felt down.

Doubts, insecurities, pain, sore, redness… there are many issues at the beginning of breastfeeding and all along. It is very important to feel supported by someone who does not juged you but has all the information and tools you need to deal with.

Lactation is sociocultural based, it helps to have a lot of doubts about it, there are thousands of inherited myths without any scientific basis.

Some of the problems you can find during breastfeeding

Check the position of your arm. Your baby’s neck must lay on your wrist.

Baby’s nose must be in front of your nipple. When your baby opens wide the mouth. You push your baby to you.

Does it hurt? If it does, it is the signal that something is wrong. May be you would like me to help you.

It does not hurt and your baby is latching correctly.

Nipple cracks are wounds induced by the constant touch with the hard pallet or the gum. This means baby is not biting properly.

I can help you to put your baby in the right position to have a deeper bite and help the tissues to heal and have no pain.

Often, it happens during first days after the birth. The most of the times it is solve increasing the times the baby eats. It is fundamental baby poops the meconium. If there still is rest of meconium in baby’s bowel there are high possibilities to have jaundice. I can explain you how to reduce the jaundice and if there is any side issues about.

Mastitis during breastfeeding is caused to milk accumulation in the boob.  Symptoms are similar to flu and you can have high fever. It is fundamental to empty the boob; I will teach you how to do it and also y check if there is any collateral issue that needs to be solved

Tongue tie gives a lot of difficulties for breastfeeding. Baby is not able to do the entire movement to suck and to swallow comfortably and correctly. It is translate into nipple cracks and mastitis to mum. It can also occur a poor weight gaining or not gaining at all. I can check if your baby has a tongue tie, I have many years of experience and several certifications.

There is no limit in the age. The WHO recommends to breastfeed at least 2 years, being in an exclusive way till 6 months. After that age, it is your decision and your baby’s one when you want to stop.

When a mum decides to stops breastfeeding usually is not an easy issue. Doubts, guilty or being a bad mother are most of the common feelings arising with this decision. That is why so important to be well informed and accompanied to be able to do it in a progressive and respectful way to your baby and with yourself. I can help.

Often, many people think they have the right to give their opinion while you are feeding your baby, and of course, they know more than you and they usually remember you how wrong you are.

You do not need more doubts about yourself and be reminded how wrong you are. You need self-confidence and to know what is really wrong and really good for you and your baby.

I am available for you to make you feel supported, warm and my professionalism.


I have been helping mums for nearly 10 years. My child has been breastfed until he turned to 5 years old and also I have an University certification in lactation.

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Hablar de nada
Hablar de nada
He constelado con Eugenia varias veces y también he participado en talleres de constelaciones. Es una acompañante afectiva, delicada, busca la claridad en la constelación y a la vez es firme, sólida, y contenedora para sostener el momento de constelar. A mí me dió el soporte para transitar momentos complejos y le estoy agradecida. Os animo a vivir una constelación con ella, en el proceso se abren dimensiones de una misma que nos lleva a vivir en nuestro lugar y viendo el mundo con un sí a la vida.
Charo Naranjo
Charo Naranjo
Muchas Gracias Eugenia por conectar con nosotras ( mama , hermana primas y yo) . Por hacernos ver qué el amor es la principal fuente de conexión. Un abrazo.
Victoria Smith
Victoria Smith
Con mucha suerte conocí a Eugenia unas semanitas Antes de dar a luz! . En nuestra primera cita enseguida entendimos lo gran profesional que es y no nos equivocamos. Nos ayudo y explicó con muchísimo cariño todo, nos asistió en el parto y ahora me está ayudando muchísimo en el postparto y lactancia. Gracias a ella conseguí un parto como digo para repetir! Gracias Eugenia de los 3, siempre estaremos muy agradecidos !!!
Romina Ortiz Molina
Romina Ortiz Molina
Profesional muy cercana, salí del hospital después de casi una semana ingresada con mi bebé y con problemas en la lactancia que en el Costa del sol no me supieron resolver, todo lo contrario. Gracias a Eugenia, supe ponerle nombre a mi problema con la lactancia, mi bebé tenía frenillo… me ayudo muchísimo en posiciones para un buen agarre, consejos, etc…Super agradecida y la aconsejo 100% para el inicio de la lactancia e incluso durante.
marina martinez-pantoja
marina martinez-pantoja
Maravillosa profesional y persona. Atenta, respetuosa, empática. Menos mal que di con ella y que seguí y sigo sus consejos. Además se preocupa por las personas y te da un trato excepcional. Recomendable al mil x cien. Gracias a ella conseguí mucha s progresos
Alex Carletto
Alex Carletto
Very professional therapist! I very recommend her
Loly Marin
Loly Marin
Eugenia nos fue de gran ayuda no solo en cuanto a lactancia materna sino también en el inicio de la alimentación complementaria así como en el porteo. Destaco sin lugar a dudas su gran ternura y delicadeza a la hora de tratar con nuestros bebés.
Dámaris Gámez
Dámaris Gámez
Recomendada a todas las futuras mamis y para las que ya lo son, la lactancia es algo que siempre se da por hecho con muchos mitos que hacen nos hacen fracasar, la dulzura y el amor que Eugenia pone en su trabajo como asesora es de 10. Importante que los papás también se impliquen a la hora de una asesoria en lactancia. Y para rematar la asesoria en porteo, y la guia en este campo ayudan a que la maternidad y paternidad sean mas llevaderas. Mil gracias por estar siempree disponible.
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